The Song of Roland Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Influence of The Song of Roland.

The Song of Roland Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Influence of The Song of Roland.
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Influence of The Song of Roland

Summary: Discusses the influence of the French poem, The Song of Roland, upon world literature. Describes how the epic poem has qualities of many different cultures. Explains the actions and fates of the characters in the poem.
The Song of Roland is considered the beginning of French literature. Since it has no French influence to base itself upon, this epic poem has qualities of many different cultures. One of the greatest influences on this poem was that of Indian literature. This is visible through the references made to dharma and karma throughout the Song of Roland. An understanding of the concepts of dharma and karma is needed to explain the events in the Song of Roland for three reasons. This understanding explains the actions and fates of the characters in the poem, and it explains the actual events of the battle in the poem.

Dharma is the group of responsibilities and duties of each individual. Karma is the totality of one's deeds after he has died. These two concepts explain the actions of the characters very well. All of the characters have bad karma at...

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