African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 8 pages of analysis of Civil Rights.

African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955-1968) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 8 pages of analysis of Civil Rights.
This section contains 2,219 words
(approx. 8 pages at 300 words per page)
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Civil Rights

Summary: Explores the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Describes how black Americans are reflected in the media and examines prominent role models.
Across the nation, millions of Americans of all races turn on the television or open a newspaper and are bombarded with images of well dressed, articulate, attractive black people advertising different products and representing respected companies. The population of black professionals in all arenas of work has risen to the point where seeing a black physician, attorney, or a college professor are becoming more a common sight. More and more black people are holding positions of respect and authority throughout America today, such as Colin Powell, Condelezza Rice and many other prominent black executives. As a result of their apparent success, these black people are seen as role models for many Americans, despite their race. However, these groups of black people are exceptions to the rule and consist of only a tiny fraction of all black Americans. These black people in turn actually help to reinforce the inequality...

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