African American Vernacular English Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Ebonics.

African American Vernacular English Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Ebonics.
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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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Summary: Discusses the issue of Ebonics and the teaching of it in schools. Uses an essay by entertainer Bill Cosby as a reference.
In his essay Bill Cosby states that, "Ebonics be a complex issue," and it is, also he feels that it should not be taught in schools without studying the problems that could grow from teaching "an urbanized version of the English language." Cosby has a PhD in education, which increases his credibility. Cosby being a black man should not affect how his essay is read but it may be an issue to some. His use of humor makes the subject easier to comprehend and the entire piece more interesting. There is always a serious way and a lighter way to address any problem that affects many people and Cosby's choice to use humor makes more sense considering who he is in the public eye. Ebonics is a difficult issue to deal with, and Cosby makes a valid point that it should not be taught in school.

Cosby's credibility...

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