Così Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Cosi, a Summary of Act One.

Così Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Cosi, a Summary of Act One.
This section contains 368 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Cosi, a Summary of Act One

Summary: Provides a brief summary of act I of the play Cosi, by Louis Nowra. Includes a listing of all 11 characters.
Act one of Così by Louis Nowra consists of eleven characters in total, their names are, Lewis, 21 just left university. Lucy, 20 - 23 is doing MA thesis and lives with Lewis. Nick, 21 - 24 also doing thesis and directs student productions. Justin, a social worker in his late 30s early 40s, he is neat and precise. Roy, 40 - 50 a mental patient who has spent much of his life in institutions. Henry, 40 - 50 a former lawyer who is now a patient, he has spent much of his adult life in institutions. Doug, 20 - 30 has a liking for fires, but has not been in institutions very long. Cherry, 25 - 35 has been in institutions for some time. Julie, 21 - 25 is in a mental institution for the first time because of drug dependency. Ruth, 30 - 40 an obsessive personality, who is in and out of mental institutions. Zac, 25 - 30 the musician of the group who has been in and out of mental institutions.

In Così the burnt out stage is a metaphor for the world at large, and the drama which is enacted on its charred surface is a reflection of the larger drama taking place out side, it is the 1970s, and the Vietnam War frames the drama.

Lewis is attempting to create a play starring the patients from a mental institution, Lewis is trying to help bring the patients out of their shells and give them something exciting and interesting to do.

Roy is eager to get on with the play, his active nature keeps the play going on.

During lunch, Lewis thinks the situation is hopeless "why cant I ever say no? Just leave they're mad. Its madness."

Cherry's jealousy for Lewis's affection becomes known by stuffing a sandwich into his mouth. And at which time Doug is setting fire to the toilet. Cherry responds with "im going to kill you for this" because she wants it to work out for Lewis.

Cherry and Lewis save the day by convincing Justin the social worker to allow the play to go on after the fire incident.

Roy is depressed towards the end of act two, he blames Lewis for the near end of the play due to the removal of Doug.

This section contains 368 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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