Sons and Lovers Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Sons and Lovers, An Analysis.

Sons and Lovers Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Sons and Lovers, An Analysis.
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Sons and Lovers, An Analysis

Summary: Analyzes the novel Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence. Summarizes the story plot. Analyzes the relationship between Paul and his mother. Describes how Lawrence builds and maintains the feeling of tension throughout the story.
The passage extracted from Sons and Lovers by O. H. Lawrence explores the experience of Mrs. Morel, her son Paul Morel and Mr. Jordon going into a warehouse, possibly Paul Morel being in search of a job. As soon as the mother and son meet Mr. Jordon, he, at once crossly snaps, `Did you write this letter"' and `Where did you learn to write"' It is clear as the passage develops that the tension rises, seeing as though Mr. Jordon is quite intimidating, evident through his speech and his manner, wasn't quite welcome, as far as the protagonist, Paul Morel is concerned.

This extract is set mainly in a warehouse called, "Thomas Jordon and Son." By St. Peter's Church, it was nearly eleven o'clock. A big dark archway had names upon them, including Thomas Jordon. As Mrs. Morel and Paul ventured under the archway, they emerged...

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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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