Teenage pregnancy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Truth about Teen Pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 6 pages of analysis of Truth about Teen Pregnancy.
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Truth about Teen Pregnancy

Summary: Provides statistical detail on teen pregnancy in America. Examines how perceptions of the issue have changed over the years.
1. Although the rate of teen pregnancy in the United States has declined greatly within the past few years it is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. These rates are still higher in 1993 then they were in 1963. In 1963, the case of Abington vs. Schempp, the United States Supreme Court banned school prayer and bible reading in school. Since then our nation has experienced increasing pregnancy rates. (Bennett, 1).

2. Birth rates for unwed girls from the ages 15-19 have now increased every year since 1963. Latest 1993 figures showed 45 births per 1,000. Additionally, birth rates for girls ages 10-14 have increased 553% since the removal of religious principles from our schools. (Bennett, 1). Nationwide more than half (53.1%) of all high school students had experienced sexual intercourse. (Bennett, 3). Approximately 1 million pregnancies occur each year among adolescents. The percentage of students nationwide who had, had sexual intercourse with 4 or more sexual partners was 17.8%. (Bennett, 4). In...

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