Sylvia Plath Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 10 pages of analysis of A Mile Beyond Expectation.

Sylvia Plath Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 10 pages of analysis of A Mile Beyond Expectation.
This section contains 2,865 words
(approx. 10 pages at 300 words per page)
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A Mile Beyond Expectation

Summary: Discusses the work of Sylvia Plath and includes an analysis of most of her poems.
A victim of her own surroundings, Plath was self obsessed in her need to understand her own torture. Her poetry, carefully crafted from past experiences, was her medium for venting and expressing her hatred for that which oppressed and intimidated her, trying to make sense of it all and also of herself. Her poetry reflects her unbalanced state of mind. Plath uses a lot of recurring images in her poem, which reflect her feelings and help the reader to relate to her, and by using her own experiences in her poetry, the reader is able to read them and feel some connection to Plath's troubled mind. She was a very complex and inconsistent character; she was manipulative, volatile and insecure. She was a Madonna, re-inventing herself at every moment, or perhaps even similar to Eminem, violent and fierce, and constantly putting everyone beneath him, angry and frustrated with...

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(approx. 10 pages at 300 words per page)
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