He Told Us Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of He Told Us.

He Told Us Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of He Told Us.
This section contains 408 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

He Told Us

Summary: About a child who lives during the holocaust and has been taken away but escapes.
He Told Us

He told us that someday shortly we'd be moved

But he never told us where

He mentioned that we would be delighted in our room

Not like he would care

His harsh commands were clearer than the sky, on a sunny, cloudless day

"Get in the damn glowing boxcars"

With the gory, gross conditions

I would barely even budge

He told us persistently

"Get out you dreadful Jews"

And we did hear

For if we didn't obey the next bad thing would surely happen

He told us that nourishment would be good

If we awaited calm and patiently

And when we were presented with the expected meal

We had no hesitation of what or how to chow down the gracious hot, roasted turkey meal

He said to a monstrous group each lengthy day

"Go to the tail end of the shadowy warehouse and see the fortunate dogs"

The rest of us sat and pondered

Who would arrive back alive looking like a fiery red, extremely bloody, half-alive soul.

He explained we would regulate to the powerful sounds of the horror in the "graveyard"

All the deafening screams, hurting moans, and blaring cries

When a single whit didn't tolerate the pitches of the sounds

They were carried away to the flesh-eating dogs

He stared and chuckled in excitement when one parish

I knew not to even express a mood about his doings

But when the time came that my honorable mother passed from the harsh conditions

I felt worthless, shedding enormous tears

He said, "There was no flee from this obscene place"

But I was ascertain to discover a escape course

I would find that route


And then a restless day following

In the gloomy night hours

I discovered that route to freedom


I crawled past the security guard

Crept and said my last good-byes to my fellow mates

Then flung that brick hard door open

And ran faster than the speed of the wind to my gorgeous aunts house

He said while laughing positively, "If you try to leave, its impossible"

But I attempted and flourished

And miraculously

I showed him very incorrect

Today I'm breathing with liveliness to inform you of my story

Yet still frightened and devastated by those severely unpleasant days, I spent in that cold crammed cell

And memorize to never heed to what "he" may tell you to do


This section contains 408 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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