How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless? Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless?.

How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless? Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless?.
This section contains 333 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless?

Summary: Book review of "How Does a Woman Like You Become Homeless by Sarah Marinos.

`How does a woman like you become homeless"' by Sarah Marinos from Cosmopolitan tells about young women aged between 16 to 25 being kicked out of their house by their parents suffering on the streets. Even though, the Salvation Army's Statewide Young Women's Project and the state governments provide affordable rental accommodation still many young women are homeless. They never thought this would happen to them because they like many of us went through high school, have a family and etc. therefore it could happen to any one of us.

It illustrates us that identity changes any time, end up losing the one who really loved us emotionally. It explores the issue of women and family identity, ideas about young women not receiving love from their family ending up on the streets alone suffering are conveyed through the use of emotionally language. For example "I lost a lot of weight- I was skin and bone. Of course your health suffers, and it's very hard to stay clean. I used to shower and wash my clothes at public pools, and usually ended up putting the clothes back on while they are still wet. When I needed a change of clothes, I stole from the shops." The use of "skin and bone" make all the readers image how the women are trying to survive without any support from their family that have changed their lives.

Another procedure Sarah Marinos applied is interviewing/surveying people and getting the facts they have experienced. For example "The 1996 census revels that there are 105,304 homeless people in this country. According to the Youth Homelessness 2001 report, there are 26,060 homeless youths aged 12 to 18 across Australia on any one night. Fifty-five per cent of these adolescents are girls." The effect of this allows the readers to understand how many women out there in Australia are suffering and how they are experiencing without their family. This shows us that identity changes any time, end up losing the one who really loved us emotionally.

This section contains 333 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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