Bill Cosby Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Bill Cosby Biography.

Bill Cosby Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Bill Cosby Biography.
This section contains 236 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Bill Cosby Biography

Summary: Essay is about Bill Cosby. It discusses his achievements and struggles during his lifetime to be the successsful man he is today.
Bill Cosby

I am doing a report on Bill Cosby. Cosby was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 12,1937. His parents were William Sr. and Anna Cosby. Cosby has two brothers, Russell and Robert. A third brother died of rheumatic fever at the age of six. His father was a Mess Steward in the Navy so he wasn't really around. His mother was a housemaid.

Cosby lived with his family in the Richard Allen Housing project in North Philadelphia. Bill Cosby would rather clown around then learn as a child but he still managed to pass. As a child he liked to play school, basketball, and street football. Even his sixth grade teacher said he'd rather clown around thank study. Bill Cosby had three major influences in his life, Mel Brooks, Roy Silver, and Camille Hanks. They changed his life.

Bill Cosby is a television producer, actor, comedian, and author. He won four Emmy Awards and six Grammy's. He also won a Spingharm Award for entertainment and education. Bill Cosby's most interesting part of his life was that he always wanted to act and he worked hard to do so. He is also very talented.

You can learn from his life by seeing if you want something , you have to work hard to do it. Bill Cosby also teaches us to have fun by comedy and books. He also taught us to believe in ourselves.

This section contains 236 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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