Literature Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Style in Literature.

Literature Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Style in Literature.
This section contains 365 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)

Style in Literature

Summary: It's about what style an author chooses and how that impacts a work.
Style in Literature

To English teachers style is one of the most important elements of a novel, but the word style is very vague and has no definite meaning. Sometimes I wonder if they just made up this word to sound literary and describe an author as a higher-level thinker. The word refers to the sentence structure and other literary devices that try to hide the true nature of what the author is saying. It's a waste to vary sentences the way the authors do; everything they need to convey can be done in a concise manner with modern English.

Sentences should be read by the read to be understood. Authors try to hide the meaning of what is being said, but why? Does it give them a sense of cat and mouse? If they wanted to be cryptographers there is no reason to publish it. Everything means the same why not say it the simplest so that it is exactly what you want to say and completely understandable? In this strange scheme of stuff, authors they are sly. They believe they can bring up war emotions better with red than with true war and bombs. War is war; red is a color. I don't see how they relate unless you start thinking red is blood and blood is spilt in a war, but red is also tons of other things. Red is love. What happens if the reader is confused with love and war? There is a major difference and you would never mix the two. With relative easy, authors can make their "codes" and ideas more public accessible.

A large vocabulary of dead, unused words from the history dictionary should be erased from the English language. Big words are a waste. No one can say them, no one can read them, and no one can spell them, and most importantly no one knows what they mean. If I need the dictionary at hand for every page, I don't want to read the book. I want to read something and have no room for misinterpretation or the misunderstanding of the author. I would love to read the book and not the dictionary.

This section contains 365 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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