Kiss of the Spider Woman Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of The Impact of Homosexuality in Kiss of the Spider Woman.

Kiss of the Spider Woman Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of The Impact of Homosexuality in Kiss of the Spider Woman.
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The Impact of Homosexuality in Kiss of the Spider Woman

Summary: The essay describes the effects of the presence of homosexuality in the novel Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig
The novel, Kiss of the Spider Woman (KSW), written by Manuel Puig, is an account of the life of two prisoners dwelling in an Argentine prison. The prisoners have differing moral fiber and they create an antagonistic environment. Valentin is a hardcore revolutionary and his stern view on life makes it impossible to be serene when near him. His opposite is Molina, an open-minded gay window dresser, seeking friendly company.  The prisoners are forced to live in the same tiny prison cell and it proves very difficult for them to adapt.  As the novel unwinds and exposes its many themes both characters gradually coalesce.  Valentin's aversion towards Molina's lifestyle diminishes and so does Molina's dislike for Valentin's callousness. Both prisoners make sacrifices and they learn to live with one another. This gradual adaptation is not spontaneous, instead it is strongly influenced by a disparity in sexual preferences, homosexuality...

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