Haitian Vodou Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Voodoo.

Haitian Vodou Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 1 page of analysis of Voodoo.
This section contains 276 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)

Voodoo: A History

Summary: History of Voodoo
The definition of voodoo as given by high priest Dagbo Hounan is that the definition is not known. Voodoo in my terms is defined as enchanting or cursing through the use of a "voodoo" doll or reanimating a corpse with dark rituals and sacrifices. Witchcraft is the cursing and killing through the utilization of potions, transfiguration, and conjuring. Though not seen in everyday life they exist and thrive in remote villages and forests.  

Witches are also known as wiccans and are nature-loving people and they worship their god Gaea. They are also Satanists in their acts against society. These naturalists, who are content alone and keep to themselves, are an angry and disgruntled people who take joy in transforming others into creatures, and killing or immobilizing through the use of potions and enchanting.  

People of the voodoo religion are bewitchers who curse through the use of a voodoo doll. This effigy's uses range from a warning "stab" to immobilization and even death. Though dark these voodoo dolls are used to heal each other. The dark rituals they perform encompass everything from sacrifices to fortune telling. They worship the Marassa (Twins) and the Dead.

  Though rare today many of these rare beings still exist they are occasionally stumbled upon witness their acts of heinous worship. Many eyewitnesses are either killed or assimilated into these religions of the under world. The few who survive and escape are not understood and treated as crazies and outcasts. This disqualifies them as solid sources because society does not understand the nature of the knowledge they have causing them to not even believe in what the witnessed.

This section contains 276 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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