The Spectator (1711) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Addison's Use of The Spectator to Influence Opinions.

The Spectator (1711) Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis of Addison's Use of The Spectator to Influence Opinions.
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Addison's Use of The Spectator to Influence Opinions

Summary: The Spectator was a british paper that was mass produced during the idustrial revolution. This new form of print was widely spread to not only the rich but afforded by the poor. This was a means to influence the great masses of lower class individuals in a society that was about make a drastic change.


Addison's Use of TheSpectator to Influence

     During the eighteenth century the periodical joined its readership into a union of collective thoughts with the ability to influence the political, social and financial world around them. In the periodical Spectator No. 69, Joseph Addison creates a persona that reveals a new diverse society of merchants who created the Royal Exchange and who rivaled the powers of Parliament and past Monarchies over the British domains.

     The persona "Mr. Spectator" declares that he is being completely captivated by the "mixing of several ministers of commerce"(2334", with the ability to communicate and create incredible financial transactions in the multi-national melting pot throughout Great Britain. Mr. Addison's persona relates how vast the wealth of merchants  is that influenced the livelihood of Britain. The persona further implies that these...

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