Lives of Our Own Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Lives of Our Own.

Lives of Our Own Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 4 pages of analysis of Lives of Our Own.
This section contains 885 words
(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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Lives of Our Own

Summary: Describes how the novel "Lives of Our Own" by Lorri Hewett deals with the theme of racism.
Lives of our own by Lorri Hewett setting is in Dessina, Georgia around the time period of 1990's. The tone of the book is set as a serious tone because of the serious subject of racism. The theme of Lives of our own focusses around racism. The word racism is a word that means discrimanation, segragation, prejudice, and hatred towords someone or something. In the small community of Dessina, Georgia the racist tradtions still remains strong among the community. When a girl named a Shawns Riley moves to Dessina she incounters racism first hand. Because Shawna is african American she has to deal with the racism from the other kids at Dessina High School. When Shawna moves to Dessina she makes friends with all the African american students but none of the white students. In Dessina High School the colored students and the white students don't usually mix...

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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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