Grendel Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Grendel's Perception of Women.

Grendel Essay | Essay

This student essay consists of approximately 3 pages of analysis of Grendel's Perception of Women.
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(approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page)
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Grendel's Perception of Women

Summary: Essay describes how the character of Grendel in the novel "Grendel" by John Gardener is not a chauvinist pig.
Did John Gardener portray Grendel as a chauvinist pig in the book "Grendel"? Many people feel that John portrayed him in the form of a Dark and Mysterious beast like person who treated women as if they were dirt. There are many times in this book that, that impression could be made on someone because he does act that way. But if you truly look at that way he is acting and keep in mind that Grendel was brought up with no "human" interaction except for that from his mother, you would understand that he truly is not a chauvinist pig. His mother was considered a beast like women yet, she treated Grendel as well as she could.

Grendel was shown love by his mother as he was growing up, yet I don't feel that he knew it was love. Grendel grew up in a cave with his...

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