The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume II., Part 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume II., Part 4.

The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume II., Part 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume II., Part 4.
This carried us to army headquarters, which were established south of Gravelly Run in an old cornfield.  I rode to within a few yards of the front of General Grant’s tent, my horse plunging at every step almost to his knees in the mud, and dismounted near a camp-fire, apparently a general one, for all the staff-officers were standing around it on boards and rails placed here and there to keep them from sinking into the mire.

Going directly to General Grant’s tent, I found him and Rawlins talking over the question of suspending operations till the weather should improve.  No orders about the matter had been issued yet, except the despatch to me, and Rawlins, being strongly opposed to the proposition, was frankly expostulating with General Grant, who, after greeting me, remarked, in his quiet way:  “Well, Rawlins, I think you had better take command.”  Seeing that there was a difference up between Rawlins and his chief, I made the excuse of being wet and cold, and went outside to the fire.  Here General Ingalls met me and took me to his tent, where I was much more comfortable than when standing outside, and where a few minutes later we were joined by General Grant.  Ingalls then retired, and General Grant began talking of our fearful plight, resulting from the rains and mud, and saying that because of this it seemed necessary to suspend operations.  I at once begged him not to do so, telling him that my cavalry was already on the move in spite of the difficulties, and that although a suspension of operations would not be fatal, yet it would give rise to the very charge of disaster to which he had referred at City Point, and, moreover, that we would surely be ridiculed, just as General Burnside’s army was after the mud march of 1863.  His better judgment was against suspending operations, but the proposition had been suggested by all sorts of complaints as to the impossibility of moving the trains and the like, so it needed little argument to convince him, and without further discussion he said, in that manner which with him meant a firmness of purpose that could not be changed by further complainings, “We will go on.”  I then told him that I believed I could break in the enemy’s right if he would let me have the Sixth Corps; but saying that the condition of the roads would prevent the movement of infantry, he replied that I would have to seize Five Forks with the cavalry alone.

On my way back to Dinwiddie I stopped at the headquarters of General Warren, but the General being asleep, I went to the tent of one of his staff-officers.  Colonel William T. Gentry, an old personal friend with whom I had served in Oregon.  In a few minutes Warren came in and we had a short conversation, he speaking rather despondently of the outlook, being influenced no doubt by the depressing weather.

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume II., Part 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.