The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1.

The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1.

On the morning of March 28 the savages were still in my front, and after giving them some solid shot from Captain Dall’s gun we slipped down to the river-bank, and the detachment crossed by means of the Hudson’s Bay boat, making a landing on the opposite shore at a point where the south channel of the river, after flowing around Bradford’s Island, joins the main stream.  It was then about 9 o’clock, and everything had thus far proceeded favorably, but examination of the channel showed that it would be impossible to get the boat up the rapids along the mainland, and that success could only be assured by crossing the south channel just below the rapids to the island, along the shore of which there was every probability we could pull the boat through the rocks and swift water until the head of the rapids was reached, from which point to the block-house there was smooth water.  Telling the men of the embarrassment in which I found myself, and that if I could get enough of them to man the boat and pull it up the stream by a rope to the shore we would cross to the island and make the attempt, all volunteered to go, but as ten men seemed sufficient I selected that number to accompany me.  Before starting, however, I deemed it prudent to find out if possible what was engaging the attention of the Indians, who had not yet discovered that we had left their front.  I therefore climbed up the side of the abrupt mountain which skirted the water’s edge until I could see across the island.  From this point I observed the Indians running horse-races and otherwise enjoying themselves behind the line they had held against me the day before.  The squaws decked out in gay colors, and the men gaudily dressed in war bonnets, made the scene most attractive, but as everything looked propitious for the dangerous enterprise in hand I spent little time watching them.  Quickly returning to the boat, I crossed to the island with my ten men, threw ashore the rope attached to the bow, and commenced the difficult task of pulling her up the rapids.  We got along slowly at first, but soon striking a camp of old squaws who had been left on the island for safety, and had not gone over to the mainland to see the races, we utilized them to our advantage.  With unmistakable threats and signs we made them not only keep quiet, but also give us much needed assistance in pulling vigorously on the towrope of our boat.

I was laboring under a dreadful strain of mental anxiety during all this time, for had the Indians discovered what we were about, they could easily have come over to the island in their canoes, and, by forcing us to take up our arms to repel their attack, doubtless would have obliged the abandonment of the boat, and that essential adjunct to the final success of my plan would have gone down the rapids.  Indeed, under such circumstances, it would have been impossible for ten men to hold out against the two or three hundred Indians; but the island forming an excellent screen

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Volume I., Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.