The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 4.

The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 4.

I regarded this bulletin of Mr. Stanton as a personal and official insult, which I afterward publicly resented.

Headquarters military division of the Mississippi
in the field, Raleigh, north Carolina, April 28,1865.

Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant, General-in-Chief, Washington, D. C.

General:  Since you left me yesterday, I have seen the New York Times of the 24th, containing a budget of military news, authenticated by the signature of the Secretary of War, Hon. E. M. Stanton, which is grouped in such a way as to give the public very erroneous impressions.  It embraces a copy of the basis of agreement between myself and General Johnston, of April 18th, with comments, which it will be time enough to discuss two or three years hence, after the Government has experimented a little more in the machinery by which power reaches the scattered people of the vast country known as the “South.”

In the mean time, however, I did think that my rank (if not past services) entitled me at least to trust that the Secretary of War would keep secret what was communicated for the use of none but the cabinet, until further inquiry could be made, instead of giving publicity to it along with documents which I never saw, and drawing therefrom inferences wide of the truth.  I never saw or had furnished me a copy of President Lincoln’s dispatch to you of the 3d of March, nor did Mr. Stanton or any human being ever convey to me its substance, or any thing like it.  On the contrary, I had seen General Weitzel’s invitation to the Virginia Legislature, made in Mr. Lincoln’s very presence, and failed to discover any other official hint of a plan of reconstruction, or any ideas calculated to allay the fears of the people of the South, after the destruction of their armies and civil authorities would leave them without any government whatever.

We should not drive a people into anarchy, and it is simply impossible for our military power to reach all the masses of their unhappy country.

I confess I did not desire to drive General Johnston’s army into bands of armed men, going about without purpose, and capable only of infinite mischief.  But you saw, on your arrival here, that I had my army so disposed that his escape was only possible in a disorganized shape; and as you did not choose to “direct military operations in this quarter,” I inferred that you were satisfied with the military situation; at all events, the instant I learned what was proper enough, the disapproval of the President, I acted in such a manner as to compel the surrender of General Johnston’s whole army on the same terms which you had prescribed to General Lee’s army, when you had it surrounded and in your absolute power.

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The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.