The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 207 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 3.

The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 207 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 3.

After striking our road at Dalton, Hood was compelled to go on to Chattanooga and Bridgeport, or to pass around by Decatur and abandon altogether his attempt to make us let go our hold of Atlanta by attacking our communications.  It was clear to me that he had no intention to meet us in open battle, and the lightness and celerity of his army convinced me that I could not possibly catch him on a stern-chase.  We therefore quietly followed him down the Chattooga Valley to the neighborhood of Gadsden, but halted the main armies near the Coosa River, at the mouth of the Chattooga, drawing our supplies of corn and meat from the farms of that comparatively rich valley and of the neighborhood.

General Slocum, in Atlanta, had likewise sent out, under strong escort, large trains of wagons to the east, and brought back corn, bacon, and all kinds of provisions, so that Hood’s efforts to cut off our supplies only reacted on his own people.  So long as the railroads were in good order, our supplies came full and regular from the North; but when the enemy broke our railroads we were perfectly justified in stripping the inhabitants of all they had.  I remember well the appeal of a very respectable farmer against our men driving away his fine flock of sheep.  I explained to him that General Hood had broken our railroad; that we were a strong, hungry crowd, and needed plenty of food; that Uncle Sam was deeply interested in our continued health and would soon repair these roads, but meantime we must eat; we preferred Illinois beef, but mutton would have to answer.  Poor fellow!  I don’t believe he was convinced of the wisdom or wit of my explanation.  Very soon after reaching Lafayette we organized a line of supply from Chattanooga to Ringgold by rail, and thence by wagons to our camps about Gaylesville.  Meantime, also, Hood had reached the neighborhood of Gadsden, and drew his supplies from the railroad at Blue Mountain.

On the 19th of October I telegraphed to General Halleck, at Washington: 

Hood has retreated rapidly by all the roads leading south.  Our advance columns are now at Alpine and Melville Post-Office.  I shall pursue him as far as Gaylesville.  The enemy will not venture toward Tennessee except around by Decatur.  I propose to send the Fourth Corps back to General Thomas, and leave him, with that corps, the garrisons, and new troops, to defend the line of the Tennessee River; and with the rest I will push into the heart of Georgia and come out at Savannah, destroying all the railroads of the State.  The break in our railroad at Big Shanty is almost repaired, and that about Dalton should be done in ten days.  We find abundance of forage in the country.

On the same day I telegraphed to General L. C. Easton, chief-quartermaster, who had been absent on a visit to Missouri, but had got back to Chattanooga: 

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The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume II., Part 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.