The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1.

The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1.
he used to borrow of me small sums of money in repayment for my share of these feasts; and somewhere among my old packages I hold one of his confidential notes for two hundred dollars, but on the whole I got off easily.  I have no doubt that, if this man’s history could be written out, it would present phases as wonderful as any of romance; but in my judgment he was a dangerous man, without any true-sense of honor or honesty.

Little by little the rains of that season grew less and less, and the hills once more became green and covered with flowers.  It became perfectly evident that no family could live in San Francisco on such a salary as Uncle Sam allowed his most favored officials; so General Smith and Major Ogden concluded to send their families back to the United States, and afterward we men-folks could take to camp and live on our rations.  The Second Infantry had arrived, and had been distributed, four companies to Monterey, and the rest somewhat as Stevenson’s regiment had been.  A. J. Smith’s company of dragoons was sent up to Sonoma, whither General Smith had resolved to move our headquarters.  On the steamer which sailed about May 1st (I think the California), we embarked, the ladies for home and we for Monterey.  At Monterey we went on shore, and Colonel Mason, who meantime had been relieved by General Riley, went on board, and the steamer departed for Panama.  Of all that party I alone am alive.

General Riley had, with his family, taken the house which Colonel Mason had formerly used, and Major Canby and wife had secured rooms at Alvarado’s.  Captain Bane was quartermaster, and had his family in the house of a man named Garner, near the redoubt.  Burton and Company F were still at the fort; the four companies of the Second Infantry were quartered in the barracks, the same building in which we had had our headquarters; and the company officers were quartered in hired buildings near by.  General Smith and his aide, Captain Gibbs, went to Larkin’s house, and I was at my old rooms at Dona Augustias.  As we intended to go back to San Francisco by land and afterward to travel a good deal, General Smith gave me the necessary authority to fit out the party.  There happened to be several trains of horses and mules in town, so I purchased about a dozen horses and mules at two hundred dollars a head, on account of the Quartermaster’s Department, and we had them kept under guard in the quartermaster’s corral.

I remember one night being in the quarters of Lieutenant Alfred Sully, where nearly all the officers of the garrison were assembled, listening to Sully’s stories.  Lieutenant Derby, “Squibob,” was one of the number, as also Fred Steele, “Neighbor” Jones, and others, when, just after “tattoo,” the orderly-sergeants came to report the result of “tattoo” roll-call; one reported five men absent, another eight, and so on, until it became certain that twenty-eight men had deserted; and they were so bold and open in their behavior that it amounted

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The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.