The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1.

The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1.

That was a dull hard winter in San Francisco; the rains were heavy, and the mud fearful.  I have seen mules stumble in the street, and drown in the liquid mud!  Montgomery Street had been filled up with brush and clay, and I always dreaded to ride on horseback along it, because the mud was so deep that a horse’s legs would become entangled in the bushes below, and the rider was likely to be thrown and drowned in the mud.  The only sidewalks were made of stepping-stones of empty boxes, and here and there a few planks with barrel-staves nailed on.  All the town lay along Montgomery Street, from Sacramento to Jackson, and about the plaza.  Gambling was the chief occupation of the people.  While they were waiting for the cessation of the rainy season, and for the beginning of spring, all sorts of houses were being put up, but of the most flimsy kind, and all were stores, restaurants, or gambling -saloons.  Any room twenty by sixty feet would rent for a thousand dollars a month.  I had, as my pay, seventy dollars a month, and no one would even try to hire a servant under three hundred dollars.  Had it not been for the fifteen hundred dollars I had made in the store at Coloma, I could not have lived through the winter.  About the 1st of April arrived the steamer Oregon; but her captain (Pearson) knew what was the state of affairs on shore, and ran his steamer alongside the line-of-battle-ship Ohio at Saucelito, and obtained the privilege of leaving his crew on board as “prisoners” until he was ready to return to sea.  Then, discharging his passengers and getting coal out of some of the ships which had arrived, he retook his crew out of limbo and carried the first regular mail back to Panama early in April.  In regular order arrived the third steamer, the Panama; and, as the vessels were arriving with coal, The California was enabled to hire a crew and get off.  From that time forward these three ships constituted the regular line of mail-steamers, which has been kept up ever since.  By the steamer Oregon arrived out Major R. P. Hammond, J. M. Williams, James Blair, and others; also the gentlemen who, with Major Ogden, were to compose a joint commission to select the sites for the permanent forts and navyyard of California.  This commission was composed of Majors Ogden, Smith, and Leadbetter, of, the army, and Captains Goldsborough, Van Brunt, and Blunt, of the navy.  These officers, after a most careful study of the whole subject, selected Mare Island for the navy-yard, and “Benicia” for the storehouses and arsenals of the army.  The Pacific Mail Steamship Company also selected Benicia as their depot.  Thus was again revived the old struggle for supremacy of these two points as the site of the future city of the Pacific.  Meantime, however, San Francisco had secured the name.  About six hundred ships were anchored there without crews, and could not get away; and there the city was, and had to be.

Project Gutenberg
The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Volume I., Part 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.