The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

‘In her own room,’ said Mr. Kendal.  ’I could not bear the sight of her obduracy.  Even her aunt was shocked at her want of feeling.’

Low as he spoke, the sternness of his voice frightened the baby, and she was obliged to run away to the nursery, where she listened to the contrition of the little nursemaid, who had never suspected Miss Sophy’s intention of taking him out of the house.

‘And indeed, ma’am,’ she said, ’there is not one of us servants who dares cross Miss Sophy.’

It was long before Albinia ventured to lay him in his cot, and longer still before she could feel any security that if she ceased her low, monotonous lullaby, the little fellow would not wake again in terror, but the thankfulness and prayer, that, as she grew more calm, gained fuller possession of her heart, made her recur the more to pity and forgiveness for the poor girl who had caused the alarm.  Yet there was strong indignation likewise, and she could not easily resolve on meeting the hard defiance and sullen indifference which would wound her more than ever.  She was much inclined to leave Sophy to herself till morning, but suspecting that this would be vindictive, she unclasped the arm that Lucy had wound round her waist, whispered to her to go on singing, and moved to Sophy’s door.  It was fastened, but before she could call, it was thrown violently back, and Sophy stood straight up before her, striving for her usual rigidity, but shaking from head to foot; and though there were no signs of tears, she looked with wistful terror at her step-mother’s face, and her lips moved as if she wished to speak.

‘Baby is gone quietly to sleep,’ began Albinia in a low voice, beginning in displeasure; but as she spoke, the harshness of Sophy’s face gave way, she sank down on the floor, and fell into the most overpowering fit of weeping that Albinia had ever witnessed.  Kneeling beside her, she would have drawn the girl close to her, but a sharp cry of pain startled her, and she found the right arm, from elbow to wrist, all one purple bruise, the skin grazed, and the blood starting.

‘My poor child! how you have hurt yourself!’

Sophy turned away pettishly.

’Let me look!  I am sure it must be very bad.  Have you done anything to it?’

‘No, never mind.  Go back to baby.’

’Baby does not want me.  You shall come and see how comfortably he is asleep, if you will leave off crying, and let me see that poor arm.  Did you hurt it in the fall?’

‘The corner of the wall,’ said Sophy.  ‘Oh! did it not hurt him?’ but then, just as it seemed that she was sinking on that kind breast in exhaustion, she collected herself, and pushing Albinia off, exclaimed, ’I did it, I took him out, I fell down with him, I hurt his head, I’ve killed him, or made him an idiot for life.  I did.’

‘Who said so?’ cried Albinia, transfixed.

’Aunt Maria said so.  She said I did not feel.  Oh, if I could only die before he grows up to let one see it.  Why wont you begin to hate me?’

Project Gutenberg
The Young Step-Mother from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.