The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

Lucy was obliging, ready, and useful, and looked very pretty, the only blot was the heavy dulness of poor Sophy, who seemed resolved to take pleasure in nothing.  Winifred varied in opinion whether her moodiness arose from ill-health, or from jealousy of her little brother.  This latter Albinia would not believe, especially as she saw that little Maurice’s blue eyes were magnets that held the silent Sophy fast, but surly denials silenced her interrogations as to illness, and made her content to acquiesce in Lucy’s explanation that Sophy was only cross because the Osborns and Drurys were not asked.

Albinia did her duty handsomely by the two families a day or two after, for whatever reports might come round, they were always ready to receive her advances, and she only took notice of what she saw, instead of what she heard.  Her brother helped Mr. Kendal through the party, and Winifred made a discovery that excited her more than Albinia thought warranted by any fact relating to the horde of Irish cousins.

’Only think, Albinia, I have found out that poor Ellen O’More is Mr. Goldsmith’s sister!’

’Indeed!  But I am afraid I don’t remember which Ellen O’More is.  You know I never undertake to recollect any but your real cousins out of the thirty-six.’

’For shame, Albinia, I have so often told you about Ellen.  I’m sure you can’t forget.  Her husband is my sister’s brother-in-law’s cousin.’

‘Oh, Winifred, Winifred!’

’But I tell you, her husband is the third son of old Mr. O’More of Ballymakilty, and was in the army.’

’Oh! the half-pay officer with the twelve children in the cottage on the estate.’

’There now, I did think you would care when I told you of a soldier, a Waterloo man too, and you only call him a half-pay officer!’

‘I do remember,’ said Albinia, taking a little pity, ’that you used to be sorry for his good little English wife.’

’Of course.  I knew she had married him very imprudently, but she has struggled gallantly with ill-health, and poverty, and Irish recklessness.  I quite venerate her, and it seems these Goldsmiths had so far cast her off that they had no notion of the extent of her troubles.’

‘Just like them,’ said Albinia.  ’Is that the reason you wish me to make the most of the connexion?  Let me see, my sister-in-law’s sister’s wife—­no, husband’s brother’s uncle, eh?’

‘I don’t want you to do anything,’ said Winifred, a little hurt, ’only if you had seen Ellen’s patient face you would be interested in her.’

’Well, I am interested, you know I am, Winifred.  I hope you interested our respected banker, which would be more to the purpose.’

Project Gutenberg
The Young Step-Mother from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.