The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

‘Ulick !’ cried Algernon, in redoubled fury.  ’You’re put up to this!  Give it me this instant, or it shall be the worse for you;’ but ere he could stride up the first flight, Maurice’s last leg was disappearing round the corner above, and the next moment the exhibition was repeated overhead in the gallery.  Thither did Algernon rush headlong, following the scampering pattering feet, till the door of Maurice’s little room was slammed in his face.  Bursting it open, he found the chamber empty, but there was a shout of elvish laughter outside, and a cry of dismay coming up from the garden, impelled him to mount the rickety deal-table below the deep sunk dormer window, when thrusting out his head and shoulders, he beheld his wife and her parents gazing up in terror from the lawn.  No wonder, for there was a narrow ledge of leading without, upon which Maurice had suddenly appeared, running with unwavering steps till in a moment he stooped down, and popped through the similar window of Gilbert’s room.

While still too dizzy with horror to feel secure that the child was indeed safe within, those below were startled by a frantic shout from Algernon:  ’Let me out!  I say, the imp has locked me in!  Let me out!’

Albinia flew into the house and upstairs.  Maurice was flourishing the key, and executing a war-dance before the captive’s door, with a chant alternating of war-whoops, ’Promise not to hurt it, and I’ll let you out!’ and ‘Pity poor prisoners in a foreign land!’

She called to him to desist, but he was too wild to be checked by her voice, and as she advanced to capture him, he shot like an arrow to the other end of the passage, and down the back-stairs.  She promised speedy rescue, and hurried down, hoping to seize the culprit in the hall, but he had whipped out at the back-door, and was making for the garden gate, when his father hastened down the path to meet him, and seeing his retreat cut off, he plunged into the bushes, and sprang like a cat up a cockspur-thorn, too slender for ascent by a heavier weight, and thence grinned and waved his hand to his prisoner at the window.

‘Maurice,’ called his father, ‘what does this mean?’

‘I only want to take home Ulick’s picture.  Then I’ll let him out.’

‘What picture?’

‘That’s my secret.’

‘This is not play, Maurice,’ said Albinia.  ‘Attend to papa.’

The boy swung the light shrub about with him in a manner fearful to behold, and looked irresolute.  Lucy put in her cry, ’You very naughty child, give up the key this moment,’ and above, Algernon bawled appeals to Mr. Kendal, and threats to Maurice.

‘Silence!’ said Mr. Kendal, sternly.  ’Maurice, this must not be.  Come down, and give me the key of your room.’

‘I will, papa,’ said Maurice, in a reasonable voice.  ’Only please promise not to let Algernon have Ulick’s picture, for I got it without his knowing it.’

Project Gutenberg
The Young Step-Mother from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.