The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

The Young Step-Mother eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 787 pages of information about The Young Step-Mother.

‘Fancy!’ said the boy solemnly.  ’The happiness of my life is at stake.  She shall be the sharer of all that is mine, the moment my property is in my own hands.’

’And do you think so high-minded a girl would listen to you, and take advantage of a fancy in a boy so much younger, and of a different class?’

‘It would be ecstasy to raise her, and lay all at her feet!’

’So it might, if it were worthy of her to accept it.  Gilbert, if you knew what love is, you would never wish her to lower herself by encouraging you now.  She would be called artful—­designing—­’

‘If she loved me—­’ he said disconsolately.

’I wish I could bring you to see how unlikely it is that a sensible, superior woman could really attach herself to a mere lad.  An unprincipled person might pretend it for the sake of your property—­a silly one might like you because you are good-looking and well-mannered; but neither would be Genevieve.’

‘There is no use in saying any more,’ he said, rising in offended dignity.

’I cannot let you go till you have given me your word never to obtrude your folly on Miss Durant again.’

‘Have you anything else to ask me?’ cried Gilbert in a melodramatic tone.

’Yes, how would you like your father to know of this?  It is her secret, and I shall keep it, unless you are so selfish as to continue the pursuit, and if so, I must have recourse to his authority.’

‘Oh!  Mrs. Kendal,’ he said, actually weeping, ’you have always pitied me hitherto.’

‘A man should not ask for pity,’ said Albinia; ’but I am sorry for you, for she is an admirable person, and I see you are very unhappy; but I will do all I can to help you, and you will get over it, if you are reasonable.  Now understand me, I will and must protect Genevieve, and I shall appeal to your father unless you promise me to desist from this persecution.’

The debate might have been endless, if Mr. Kendal had not been heard coming in.  ‘You promise?’ she said.  ‘Yes,’ was the faint reply, in nervous terror of immediate reference to his father; and they hurried different ways, trying to look unconcerned.

‘Never mind,’ said Albinia to herself.  ’Was not Fred quite as bad about me, and look at him now!  Yes, Gilbert must go to India, it will cure him, or if it should not, his affection will be respectable, and worth consideration.  If he were but older, and this were the genuine article, I would fight for him, but—­’

And she sat down to write a loving note to Genevieve.  Her sanguine disposition made her trust that all would blow over, but her experience of the cheerful buoyant Ferrars temperament was no guide to the morbid Kendal disposition, Gilbert lay on the grass limp and doleful till the fall of the dew, when he betook himself to a sofa; and in the morning turned up his eyes reproachfully at her instead of eating his breakfast.

Project Gutenberg
The Young Step-Mother from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.