Sketches New and Old, Part 3. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Sketches New and Old, Part 3..

Sketches New and Old, Part 3. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Sketches New and Old, Part 3..

“I thought you were worthy of confidence.”

I said, “Yes, sir.”

He said, “I gave you a letter from certain of my constituents in the State of Nevada, asking the establishment of a post-office at Baldwin’s Ranch, and told you to answer it, as ingeniously as you could, with arguments which should persuade them that there was no real necessity for as office at that place.”

I felt easier.  “Oh, if that is all, sir, I did do that.”

“Yes, you did.  I will read your answer for your own humiliation: 

sp;                              ’Washington, Nov. 24
     ’Messrs. Smith, Jones, and others.

Gentlemen:  What the mischief do you suppose you want with a post-office at Baldwin’s Ranch?  It would not do you any good.  If any letters came there, you couldn’t read them, you know; and, besides, such letters as ought to pass through, with money in them, for other localities, would not be likely to get through, you must perceive at once; and that would make trouble for us all.  No, don’t bother about a post-office in your camp.  I have your best interests at heart, and feel that it would only be an ornamental folly.  What you want is a nice jail, you know—­a nice, substantial jail and a free school.  These will be a lasting benefit to you.  These will make you really contented and happy.  I will move in the matter at once. 
               ’Very truly, etc.,
Mark Twain,
‘For James W. N------, U. S. Senator.’

“That is the way you answered that letter.  Those people say they will hang me, if I ever enter that district again; and I am perfectly satisfied they will, too.”

“Well, sir, I did not know I was doing any harm.  I only wanted to convince them.”

“Ah.  Well, you did convince them, I make no manner of doubt.  Now, here is another specimen.  I gave you a petition from certain gentlemen of Nevada, praying that I would get a bill through Congress incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church of the State of Nevada.  I told you to say, in reply, that the creation of such a law came more properly within the province of the state legislature; and to endeavor to show them that, in the present feebleness of the religious element in that new commonwealth, the expediency of incorporating the church was questionable.  What did you write?

“’Washington, Nov. 24.

     “’Rev. John Halifax and others.

“’Gentlemen:  You will have to go to the state legislature about that speculation of yours—­Congress don’t know anything about religion.  But don’t you hurry to go there, either; because this thing you propose to do out in that new country isn’t expedient—­in fact, it is ridiculous.  Your religious people there are too feeble, in intellect, in morality, in piety in everything, pretty much.  You had better drop this—­you can’t make it work.  You can’t issue stock on an
Project Gutenberg
Sketches New and Old, Part 3. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.