Soul and body glorified in heaven.
“When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass that saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.”
So when this comes to pass, then we shall be saved, then will salvation in all the parts of it meet together in our glory, then we shall be every way saved: saved in God’s decree, saved in Christ’s undertakings, saved by faith, saved in perseverance, saved in soul, and in body and soul together, in the heavens; saved perfectly, everlastingly, gloriously.
I would discourse a little of the state of our body and soul in heaven, when we shall enjoy this blessed state of salvation.
1. Of the soul. It will then be filled in all the faculties of it with as much his and glory as ever it can hold.
The understanding will then be perfect in knowledge. “Now we know in part”—we know God, Chrit, heaven, and glory, but in part; “butswhen that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” Then shall we have perfect and everlasting visions of God, and that blessed One his Son Jesus Christ; a good thought of whom doth sometimes so fill us, while in this world, that it causeth joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Then shall our will and affections be ever in a burning flame of love to God and his Son Jesus Christ. Our love here hath ups and downs; but there it shall be always perfect with that perfection which is not possible in this world to be enjoyed.
Then will, our conscience have that peace and joy, that neither tongue or pen of men or angels can express.
Then will our memory be so enlarged as to retain all things that happened to us in this world; so that with unspeakable aptness we shall call to mind all God’s providences, all Satan’s malice, all our weaknesses, all the rage of men, and how God made all work together for his glory and our good, to the everlasting ravishing of our hearts.
2. For our body, it shall be raised in power, in incorruption, a spiritual body and glorious.
It is compared to the brightness of the firmament, and to the shining of the stars for ever and ever. It is compared to the shining of the sun. It is said that then our vile body shall be like the glorious body of Jesus Christ. Their state is then to be equally glorious with angels.