A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.
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A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.

“Very pretty!  He lost several children in India and I suppose Rosy reminds him of them.  Ah, poor man!  I can sympathize with him, for I too have loved and lost,” sighed Miss Henny, pensively surveying the group on the rustic seat.

They were playing cherry-bob; and the child’s laughter made pleasant music in the usually quiet place, while the man’s face lost its sad, stern look, and was both gay and tender, as he held the little creature close, and popped the ripe fruit into the red, laughing mouth.

As the last sweet morsel disappeared Rosy said, with a long breath of perfect content,—­

“It’s almost as good as having Papa to play with.  I do hope the cousins will let me come again!  If they don’t, I think my heart will break, ’cause I get so homesick over there, and have so many trials, and no one but Cousin Penny ever cuddles me.”

“Bless her heart!  We’ll send her some flowers for that.  You tell her that Mrs. Dover is poorly, and would like very much to see her; and so would Mr. Thomas, who enjoys her little niece immensely.  Can you remember that?”

“Every word!  She is very nice to me, and I love her, and I guess she will be glad to come.  She likes moss-roses, and so do I,” added the unblushing little beggar, as Mr. Dover took out his knife and began to make the bouquet which was to be Miss Penny’s bribe.  He could not bear to give up his little playmate, and was quite ready to try again, with this persistent and charming ally to help him heal the breach.

“Shall you send anything to Cis?  You needn’t mind about it, ’cause she can’t keep me at home, but it might please her, and make her stop rapping my head with her thimble when I ask questions, and slapping my fingers when I touch any of her pretty things,” suggested Button, as the flowers were added to the fruit, making a fine display.

“I never send presents to young ladies,” said Mr. Thomas shortly, adding, with both hands out, and his most inviting smile, “But I always kiss nice little girls if they will allow me?”

Button threw both arms about his neck and gave him a shower of grateful kisses, which were sweeter to the lonely old man than all the cherries that ever grew, or the finest flowers in his garden.  Then Miss Rosamond proudly marched home, finding no trace of the watchers, for both had fled while the “cuddling” went on.  Roxy was soberly setting the dinner-table, and Miss Henny in the parlor breathing hard behind a newspaper.  Miss Penny and Cicely were spending the day out, so the roses had to wait; but the basket was most graciously received, also the carefully delivered message, and the child’s heart was rejoiced by free permission to go and see “our kind neighbor now and then, if Sister does not object.”

Rosy was in great spirits, and prattled away as they sat at dinner, emboldened by the lady’s unusual amiability to ask all sorts of questions, some of which proved rather embarrassing to Miss Henny, and very amusing to Roxy, listening in the china-closet.

Project Gutenberg
A Garland for Girls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.