A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.
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A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.

After that day many “good times” came to Ruth and Sammy; and even poor old Grandpa had his share, finding the last summer of his life very smooth sailing as he slowly drifted into port.  It seemed quite natural that Captain John, being a sailor, should like to go and read and “yarn” with the old fisherman; so no one wondered when he fell into the way of rowing over to the Island very often with his pocket full of newspapers, and whiling away the long hours in the little house as full of sea smells and salt breezes as a shell on the shore.

Miss Scott also took a fancy to go with her nephew; for, being an ardent botanist, she discovered that the Island possessed many plants which she could not find on the rocky point of land where the hotel and cottages stood.  The fresh-water pond was her especial delight, and it became a sort of joke to ask, when she came home brown and beaming with her treasures in tin boxes, bottles, and bunches,—­

“Well, Aunt Mary, have you seen the water-lilies bloom yet?” and she always answered with that wise smile of hers,—­

“Not yet, but I’m biding my time, and am watching a very fine one with especial interest.  When the right moment comes, it will bloom and show its golden heart to me, I hope.”

Ruth never quite knew how it came about, but books seemed to find their way to the Island and stay there, to her great delight.  A demand for lilies sprang up, and when their day was over marsh-rosemary became the rage.  Sammy found a market for all the shells and gulls’ wings he could furnish, and certain old curiosities brought from many voyages were sold for sums which added many comforts to the old sailor’s last cruise.

Now the daily row to the Point was a pleasure, not a trial, to Ruth,—­for Mr. Wallace was always ready with a kind word or gift, the ladies nodded as she passed, and asked how the old Skipper was to-day; Miss Scott often told her to stop at the cottage for some new book or a moment’s chat on her way to the boat, and Captain John helped Sammy with his fishing so much that the baskets were always full when they came home.

All this help and friendliness put a wonderful energy and sweetness into Ruth’s hard life, and made her work seem light, her patient waiting for freedom easier to bear cheerfully.  She sang as she stood over her wash-tub, cheered the long nights of watching with the precious books, and found the few moments of rest that came to her when the day’s work was done very pleasant, as she sat on her rock, watching the lights from the Point, catching the sound of gay music as the young people danced, and thinking over the delightful talks she had with Miss Scott.  Perhaps the presence of a blue jacket in Grandpa’s little bedroom, the sight of a friendly brown face smiling when she came in, and the sonorous murmur of a man’s voice reading aloud, added a charm to the girl’s humdrum life.  She was too innocent and frank to deny that she enjoyed these new friends, and welcomed both with the same eagerness, saw both go with the same regret, and often wondered how she ever had got on without them.

Project Gutenberg
A Garland for Girls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.