A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.
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A Garland for Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about A Garland for Girls.

“I’m real glad you like it; most folks do, if they don’t mind it being plain and quiet up here.  It’s gayer down at the hotel, but the air ain’t half so good, and delicate folks generally like our old place best,” answered Becky, as she tossed over a mattress and shook out the sheet with a brisk, capable air pleasant to see.

“I wanted to go to the hotel, but the doctor said it would be too noisy for me, so Mamma was glad to find rooms here.  I didn’t think a farm-house could be so pleasant.  That view is perfectly splendid!” and Emily sat up to gaze delightedly out of the window, below which spread the wide intervale, through which the river ran with hay-fields on either side, while along the green slopes of the hills lay farm-houses with garden plots, and big barns waiting for the harvest; and beyond, the rocky, wooded pastures dotted with cattle and musical with cow-bells, brooks, and birds.

A balmy wind kissed a little color into the pale cheeks, the listless eyes brightened as they looked, and the fretful lines vanished from lips that smiled involuntarily at the sweet welcome Nature gave the city child come to rest and play and grow gay and rosy in her green lap.

Becky watched her with interest, and was glad to see how soon the new-comer felt the charm of the place, for the girl loved her mountain home, and thought the old farm-house the loveliest spot in the world.

“When you get stronger I can show you lots of nice views round here.  There’s a woodsy place behind the house that’s just lovely.  Down by the laurel bushes is my favorite spot, and among the rocks is a cave where I keep things handy when I get a resting-spell now and then, and want to be quiet.  Can’t get much at home, when there’s boarders and five children round in vacation time.”

Becky laughed as she spoke, and there was a sweet motherly look in her plain face, as she glanced at the three little red heads bobbing about the door-yard below, where hens cackled, a pet lamb fed, and the old white dog lay blinking in the sun.

“I like children; we have none at home, and Mamma makes such a baby of me I’m almost ashamed sometimes.  I want her to have a good rest now, for she has taken care of me all winter and needs it.  You shall be my nurse, if I need one; but I hope to be so well soon that I can see to myself.  It’s so tiresome to be ill!” and Emily sighed as she leaned back among her pillows, with a glance at the little glass which showed her a thin face and shorn head.

“It must be!  I never was sick, but I have taken care of sick folks, and have a sight of sympathy for ’em.  Mother says I make a pretty good nurse, being strong and quiet,” answered Becky, plumping up pillows and folding towels with a gentle despatch which was very grateful to the invalid, who had dreaded a noisy, awkward serving-maid.

“Never ill! how nice that must be!  I’m always having colds and headaches, and fusses of some kind.  What do you do to keep well, Rebecca?” asked Emily, watching her with interest, as she came in to remove the tray.

Project Gutenberg
A Garland for Girls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.