The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

In the meanwhile I had followed in another cab, with a note for Anne Catherick, merely mentioning that Lady Glyde intended to keep Mrs. Clements to spend the day with her, and that she was to join them under care of the good gentleman waiting outside, who had already saved her from discovery in Hampshire by Sir Percival.  The “good gentleman” sent in this note by a street boy, and paused for results a door or two farther on.  At the moment when Anne appeared at the house door and closed it this excellent man had the cab door open ready for her, absorbed her into the vehicle, and drove off.

(Pass me, here, one exclamation in parenthesis.  How interesting this is!)

On the way to Forest Road my companion showed no fear.  I can be paternal—­no man more so—­when I please, and I was intensely paternal on this occasion.  What titles I had to her confidence!  I had compounded the medicine which had done her good—­I had warned her of her danger from Sir Percival.  Perhaps I trusted too implicitly to these titles—­perhaps I underrated the keenness of the lower instincts in persons of weak intellect—­it is certain that I neglected to prepare her sufficiently for a disappointment on entering my house.  When I took her into the drawing-room—­when she saw no one present but Madame Fosco, who was a stranger to her—­she exhibited the most violent agitation; if she had scented danger in the air, as a dog scents the presence of some creature unseen, her alarm could not have displayed itself more suddenly and more causelessly.  I interposed in vain.  The fear from which she was suffering I might have soothed, but the serious heart-disease, under which she laboured, was beyond the reach of all moral palliatives.  To my unspeakable horror she was seized with convulsions—­a shock to the system, in her condition, which might have laid her dead at any moment at our feet.

The nearest doctor was sent for, and was told that “Lady Glyde” required his immediate services.  To my infinite relief, he was a capable man.  I represented my visitor to him as a person of weak intellect, and subject to delusions, and I arranged that no nurse but my wife should watch in the sick-room.  The unhappy woman was too ill, however, to cause any anxiety about what she might say.  The one dread which now oppressed me was the dread that the false Lady Glyde might die before the true Lady Glyde arrived in London.

I had written a note in the morning to Madame Rubelle, telling her to join me at her husband’s house on the evening of Friday the 26th, with another note to Percival, warning him to show his wife her uncle’s letter of invitation, to assert that Marian had gone on before her, and to despatch her to town by the midday train, on the 26th, also.  On reflection I had felt the necessity, in Anne Catherick’s state of health, of precipitating events, and of having Lady Glyde at my disposal earlier than I had originally contemplated.  What fresh directions, in the terrible uncertainty of my position, could I now issue?  I could do nothing but trust to chance and the doctor.  My emotions expressed themselves in pathetic apostrophes, which I was just self-possessed enough to couple, in the hearing of other people, with the name of “Lady Glyde.”  In all other respects Fosco, on that memorable day, was Fosco shrouded in total eclipse.

Project Gutenberg
The Woman in White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.