The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.
and of publicly erasing the lie that still profaned her mother’s tombstone, was far purer, in its freedom from all taint of evil passion, than the vindictive motive which had mingled itself with my purpose from the first.  And yet I cannot honestly say that my own moral convictions were strong enough to decide the struggle in me by themselves.  They were helped by my remembrance of Sir Percival’s death.  How awfully, at the last moment, had the working of the retribution there been snatched from my feeble hands!  What right had I to decide, in my poor mortal ignorance of the future, that this man, too, must escape with impunity because he escaped me?  I thought of these things—­perhaps with the superstition inherent in my nature, perhaps with a sense worthier of me than superstition.  It was hard, when I had fastened my hold on him at last, to loosen it again of my own accord—­but I forced myself to make the sacrifice.  In plainer words, I determined to be guided by the one higher motive of which I was certain, the motive of serving the cause of Laura and the cause of Truth.

“I accept your conditions,” I said.  “With one reservation on my part.”

“What reservation may that be?” he asked.

“It refers to the sealed letter,” I answered.  “I require you to destroy it unopened in my presence as soon as it is placed in your hands.”

My object in making this stipulation was simply to prevent him from carrying away written evidence of the nature of my communication with Pesca.  The fact of my communication he would necessarily discover, when I gave the address to his agent in the morning.  But he could make no use of it on his own unsupported testimony—­even if he really ventured to try the experiment—­which need excite in me the slightest apprehension on Pesca’s account.

“I grant your reservation,” he replied, after considering the question gravely for a minute or two.  “It is not worth dispute—­ the letter shall be destroyed when it comes into my hands.”

He rose, as he spoke, from the chair in which he had been sitting opposite to me up to this time.  With one effort he appeared to free his mind from the whole pressure on it of the interview between us thus far.  “Ouf!” he cried, stretching his arms luxuriously, “the skirmish was hot while it lasted.  Take a seat, Mr. Hartright.  We meet as mortal enemies here-after—­let us, like gallant gentlemen, exchange polite attentions in the meantime.  Permit me to take the liberty of calling for my wife.”

He unlocked and opened the door.  “Eleanor!” he called out in his deep voice.  The lady of the viperish face came in “Madame Fosco—­ Mr. Hartright,” said the Count, introducing us with easy dignity.  “My angel,” he went on, addressing his wife, “will your labours of packing up allow you time to make me some nice strong coffee?  I have writing business to transact with Mr. Hartright—­and I require the full possession of my intelligence to do justice to myself.”

Project Gutenberg
The Woman in White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.