The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

“I’m obliged to bring you this way, sir,” he said, “because the door from the vestry to the church is bolted on the vestry side.  We might have got in through the church otherwise.  This is a perverse lock, if ever there was one yet.  It’s big enough for a prison-door—­it’s been hampered over and over again, and it ought to be changed for a new one.  I’ve mentioned that to the churchwarden fifty times over at least—­he’s always saying, ’I’ll see about it’—­and he never does see.  Ah, It’s a sort of lost corner, this place.  Not like London—­is it, sir?  Bless you, we are all asleep here!  We don’t march with the times.”

After some twisting and turning of the key, the heavy lock yielded, and he opened the door.

The vestry was larger than I should have supposed it to be, judging from the outside only.  It was a dim, mouldy, melancholy old room, with a low, raftered ceiling.  Round two sides of it, the sides nearest to the interior of the church, ran heavy wooden presses, worm-eaten and gaping with age.  Hooked to the inner corner of one of these presses hung several surplices, all bulging out at their lower ends in an irreverent-looking bundle of limp drapery.  Below the surplices, on the floor, stood three packing-cases, with the lids half off, half on, and the straw profusely bursting out of their cracks and crevices in every direction.  Behind them, in a corner, was a litter of dusty papers, some large and rolled up like architects’ plans, some loosely strung together on files like bills or letters.  The room had once been lighted by a small side window, but this had been bricked up, and a lantern skylight was now substituted for it.  The atmosphere of the place was heavy and mouldy, being rendered additionally oppressive by the closing of the door which led into the church.  This door also was composed of solid oak, and was bolted at the top and bottom on the vestry side.

“We might be tidier, mightn’t we, sir?” said the cheerful clerk; “but when you’re in a lost corner of a place like this, what are you to do?  Why, look here now, just look at these packing-cases.  There they’ve been, for a year or more, ready to go down to London—­there they are, littering the place, and there they’ll stop as long as the nails hold them together.  I’ll tell you what, sir, as I said before, this is not London.  We are all asleep here.  Bless you, we don’t march with the times!”

“What is there in the packing-cases?” I asked.

“Bits of old wood carvings from the pulpit, and panels from the chancel, and images from the organ-loft,” said the clerk.  “Portraits of the twelve apostles in wood, and not a whole nose among ’em.  All broken, and worm-eaten, and crumbling to dust at the edges.  As brittle as crockery, sir, and as old as the church, if not older.”

“And why were they going to London?  To be repaired?”

Project Gutenberg
The Woman in White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.