The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.

The Woman in White eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 909 pages of information about The Woman in White.
How can you expect four women to dine together alone every day, and not quarrel?  We are such fools, we can’t entertain each other at table.  You see I don’t think much of my own sex, Mr. Hartright—­which will you have, tea or coffee?—­no woman does think much of her own sex, although few of them confess it as freely as I do.  Dear me, you look puzzled.  Why?  Are you wondering what you will have for breakfast? or are you surprised at my careless way of talking?  In the first case, I advise you, as a friend, to have nothing to do with that cold ham at your elbow, and to wait till the omelette comes in.  In the second case, I will give you some tea to compose your spirits, and do all a woman can (which is very little, by-the-bye) to hold my tongue.”

She handed me my cup of tea, laughing gaily.  Her light flow of talk, and her lively familiarity of manner with a total stranger, were accompanied by an unaffected naturalness and an easy inborn confidence in herself and her position, which would have secured her the respect of the most audacious man breathing.  While it was impossible to be formal and reserved in her company, it was more than impossible to take the faintest vestige of a liberty with her, even in thought.  I felt this instinctively, even while I caught the infection of her own bright gaiety of spirits—­even while I did my best to answer her in her own frank, lively way.

“Yes, yes,” she said, when I had suggested the only explanation I could offer, to account for my perplexed looks, “I understand.  You are such a perfect stranger in the house, that you are puzzled by my familiar references to the worthy inhabitants.  Natural enough:  I ought to have thought of it before.  At any rate, I can set it right now.  Suppose I begin with myself, so as to get done with that part of the subject as soon as possible?  My name is Marian Halcombe; and I am as inaccurate as women usually are, in calling Mr. Fairlie my uncle, and Miss Fairlie my sister.  My mother was twice married:  the first time to Mr. Halcombe, my father; the second time to Mr. Fairlie, my half-sister’s father.  Except that we are both orphans, we are in every respect as unlike each other as possible.  My father was a poor man, and Miss Fairlie’s father was a rich man.  I have got nothing, and she has a fortune.  I am dark and ugly, and she is fair and pretty.  Everybody thinks me crabbed and odd (with perfect justice); and everybody thinks her sweet-tempered and charming (with more justice still).  In short, she is an angel; and I am——­ Try some of that marmalade, Mr. Hartright, and finish the sentence, in the name of female propriety, for yourself.  What am I to tell you about Mr. Fairlie?  Upon my honour, I hardly know.  He is sure to send for you after breakfast, and you can study him for yourself.  In the meantime, I may inform you, first, that he is the late Mr. Fairlie’s younger brother; secondly, that he is a single man; and thirdly, that he is Miss Fairlie’s guardian. 

Project Gutenberg
The Woman in White from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.