for me the same conveyance I had used from Amherst.
I look forward with much pleasure to our meeting again.
His manner and idiom were to me perfectly new and
very amusing; while his good sound sense, searching
observation, and queer humor, rendered his conversation
at once valuable and interesting. There are many
subjects on which I should like to draw him out; and
I promise myself a fund of amusement in his remarks
on the state of society and manners at Halifax, and
the machinery of the local government, on both of
which he appears to entertain many original and some
very just opinions.
As he took leave of me in the coach, he whispered, “Inside of your great big cloak you will find wrapped up a box, containin a thousand real genuine first chop Havanahs—no mistake—the clear thing. When you smoke ’em think sometimes of your old companion, Sam slick the clockmaker.”