Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.
pencil, but died before passing the boundaries of civilization, from causes unconnected with want or fatigue.  Dr. Herman Beckler, who has since returned to his native country, was neither a man of courage, energy, nor of medical experience.  He resigned when Mr. Landells did, and, as will be seen, for a very poor reason.  His place should have been immediately supplied; for had any one worth a straw been sent, by his position he must have been third in command instead of Wright, a more ignorant being than whom could not have been extracted from the bush.  He was scarcely able to write his name.

The following is a copy of the memorandum of agreement, to which all the members of the Exploration party attached their signatures:  —­

Memorandum of agreement,

Made the eighteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, between the Honourable David Elliott Wilkie, as treasurer of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Society, Melbourne, of the one part, and the several other persons whose names are hereto subscribed, of the other part.  The said persons forming an expedition about to explore the interior of Australia under Robert O’Hara Burke, hereby agree with the said David Elliott Wilkie faithfully to discharge the special duties described opposite to their respective names, and also generally to perform whatever in the opinion of the said Robert O’Hara Burke, as leader, or in the event of his death, in the opinion of the leader for the time being, may be necessary to promote the success of the expedition:  and they hereby further agree to place themselves unreservedly under the orders of the leader, recognising George James Landells as second; and William John Wills as third; and their right of succession in the order thus stated.  In consideration of the above services being efficiently discharged, the said David Elliott Wilkie, as treasurer, and on behalf of the said committee, hereby agrees to pay the said persons the salaries, at the respective rates set opposite their names; such salaries to be paid by monthly instalments, not exceeding one-half the amount then due, on a certificate from the leader that the services have been efficiently performed up to the date; and the remainder on and rateably up to the day of the return of the expedition to Melbourne, and no more.  And each of the said persons hereby lastly agrees, on failure on his part fully to perform this agreement, that his salary shall be forfeited, and that he shall abide all consequences, the power of discharge vesting with the leader, and the power of dismissal and forfeiture of salary resting on the recommendation of the leader with the said David Elliott Wilkie, acting with the consent of the said committee.  In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year above written.

George James Landells—­in charge of camels, second in command.

Project Gutenberg
Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.