Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Our position, although more provoking, is probably not near so disagreeable as that of poor Harry* and his companions.

[* Footnote:  Harry, his cousin, Lieutenant Le Vescompte, who perished with Sir John Franklin.]

We have had very good luck, and made a most successful trip to Carpentaria, and back to where we had every right to consider ourselves safe, having left a depot here consisting of four men, twelve horses, and six camels.  They had provisions enough to have lasted them twelve months with proper economy, and we had also every right to expect that we should have been immediately followed up from Menindie by another party with additional provisions and every necessary for forming a permanent depot at Cooper’s Creek.  The party we left here had special instructions not to leave until our return, unless from absolute necessity.  We left the creek with nominally three months’ supply, but they were reckoned at little over the rate of half rations.  We calculated on having to eat some of the camels.  By the greatest good luck, at every turn, we crossed to the gulf, through a good deal of fine country, almost in a straight line from here.  On the other side the camels suffered considerably from wet; we had to kill and jerk one soon after starting back.  We had now been out a little more than two months, and found it necessary to reduce the rations considerably; and this began to tell on all hands, but I felt it by far less than any of the others.  The great scarcity and shyness of game, and our forced marches, prevented our supplying the deficiency from external sources to any great extent; but we never could have held out but for the crows and hawks, and the portulac.  The latter is an excellent vegetable, and I believe secured our return to this place.  We got back here in four months and four days, and found the party had left the Creek the same day, and we were not in a fit state to follow them.

I find I must close this, that it may be planted; but I will write some more, although it has not so good a chance of reaching you as this.  You have great claims on the committee for their neglect.  I leave you in sole charge of what is coming to me.  The whole of my money I desire to leave to my sisters; other matters I pass over for the present.  Adieu, my dear Father.  Love to Tom. [Footnote:  Tom, his brother in Melbourne.]

W.J.  Wills.

I think to live about four or five days.  My spirits are excellent.

. . .

The remark that I had great claims on the committee was inserted in the letter, as King informed me, in consequence of Mr. Burke observing, “Wills, be sure to say something to that effect.”  The letter was read to Burke and King by my son, as soon as he had concluded it.  On King’s examination, he was questioned as follows, on this point: 

Question 1068.  Do you see that letter—­[pointing to the letter written by Mr. Wills to his father]?—­That is the letter Mr. Wills read.

Project Gutenberg
Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.