Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Sunday, 2nd June, 1861.—­Started at half-past six, thinking to breakfast at the blacks’ camp below Landa’s grave.  Found myself very much fagged, and did not arrive at their camp until ten A.M., and then found myself disappointed as to a good breakfast, the camp being deserted.  Having rested awhile and eaten a few fish-bones, I moved down the creek, hoping by a late march to be able to reach our own camp; but I soon found, from my extreme weakness, that that would be out of the question.  A certain amount of good luck, however, still stuck to me, for on going along by a large waterhole I was so fortunate as to find a large fish, about a pound and a half in weight, which was just being choked by another which it had tried to swallow, but which had stuck in its throat.  I soon had a fire lit, and both of the fish cooked and eaten:  the large one was in good condition.  Moving on again after my late breakfast, I passed Camp 67 of the journey to Carpentaria, and camped for the night under some polygonum bushes.

Monday, 3rd June, 1861.—­Started at seven o’clock, and keeping on the south bank of the creek was rather encouraged at about three miles by the sound of numerous crows ahead; presently fancied I could see smoke, and was shortly afterwards set at my ease by hearing a cooey from Pitchery, who stood on the opposite bank, and directed me round the lower end of the waterhole, continually repeating his assurance of abundance of fish and bread.  Having with some considerable difficulty managed to ascend the sandy path that led to the camp, I was conducted by the chief to a fire where a large pile of fish were just being cooked in the most approved style.  These I imagined to be for the general consumption of the half-dozen natives gathered around, but it turned out that they had already had their breakfast.  I was expected to dispose of this lot—­a task which, to my own astonishment, I soon accomplished, keeping two or three blacks pretty steadily at work extracting the bones for me.  The fish being disposed of, next came a supply of nardoo cake and water until I was so full as to be unable to eat any more; when Pitchery, allowing me a short time to recover myself, fetched a large bowl of the raw nardoo flour mixed to a thin paste, a most insinuating article, and one that they appear to esteem a great delicacy.  I was then invited to stop the night there, but this I declined, and proceeded on my way home.

Tuesday, 4th June, 1861.—­Started for the blacks’ camp intending to test the practicability of living with them, and to see what I could learn as to their ways and manners.

Wednesday, 5th June, 1861.—­Remained with the blacks.  Light rain during the greater part of the night, and more or less throughout the day in showers.  Wind blowing in squalls from south.

Thursday, 6th June, 1861.—­Returned to our own camp:  found that Mr. Burke and King had been well supplied with fish by the blacks.  Made preparation for shifting our camp nearer theirs on the morrow.

Project Gutenberg
Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.