Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

James Orkney, Esquire, M.L.A. for West Melbourne, had a small steamer of sixteen tons, built by himself from a model of the Great Eastern, which was quite ready for sea; and having also a captain willing to embark in her, he undertook to send her round to the Gulf of Carpentaria at his own charge.  The adventurous gentleman who offered his services was no less a personage than Wyse, the skipper of Lord Dufferin’s yacht on his celebrated voyage to the North Seas, which his lordship has commemorated in his delightful little book entitled, Letters from High Latitudes.  The Sir Charles Hotham, for so the little craft was called, was intended to precede Captain Norman, as the Victoria would take at least a fortnight in equipping.  She was expected, from her light draught of water, to render much aid in exploring the rivers and steaming against currents.  She left on the 6th of July, towed out of Hudson’s Bay by the Sydney steamer.  The weather became stormy, and the steamer was compelled to cut her adrift during the night.  Left to herself and her gallant captain, with a crew of two men only, she made her way to Sydney.  During this time the coast was visited by severe gales, and much anxiety was felt for the Sir Charles Hotham.  The agents of the Sydney steamer regretted that they had not heard of the proposed arrangement a few hours earlier, as they would readily have taken her on deck.  But they did all that was in their power.

Mr. Orkney soon received the pleasing intelligence that his little craft was safe in Sydney Harbour, but requiring some repairs.  These were completed with as much speed as possible, Mr. Orkney bearing every expense, including that of the telegrams, which was considerable.  Again the miniature steamer proceeded from Sydney, northward; but after some progress, Wyse, steering her into shallow water, near shore, to anchor for the night, ran her on the peak of the anchor, which made a hole in her bottom, and quite incapacitated her from further service.  Thus Mr. Orkney lost the hope he entertained and the satisfaction he would have enjoyed, of being serviceable to the lost explorers; but the credit due to him is far from being diminished by his want of success, and the patriotic effort deserves to be recorded to his eternal honour.  Through this incident I made his acquaintance, and ever since we have been, and I hope shall continue to be, sincere friends.

My anxiety for my son’s safety interfered with my attention to ordinary professional avocations.  I accordingly left Ballaarat for a time, and continued in Melbourne, casting about to see how I could render myself useful in the great object of my thoughts.  At first I inclined to go round to the Gulf with Captain Norman, and obtained permission to do so, when an announcement reached Melbourne by telegram to the effect that the South Australian Government had decided on sending an Expedition from that quarter, and asking for the loan of some camels, with the use of the two

Project Gutenberg
Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.