Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia.

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I returned immediately to Melbourne, and found the committee in earnest at last, the Government aiding them in every possible way.  Mr. Heales offered all the assistance he could give.  The Victoria, which I thought had been made ready, was now put under immediate repair.  Proceedings were reported in the Herald as follows:—­

The adjourned meeting of the Exploration Committee was held yesterday afternoon, in the Hall of the Royal Society, Victoria Street.  Dr. Mueller occupied the chair, in the unavoidable absence of Sir William Stawell.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

The Chairman said the honorary treasurer would lay before the committee the result of the interview the deputation had the honour to hold with the Chief Secretary that day.  Unfortunately they had not had the advantage of Dr. Macadam’s assistance, but he was glad that gentleman was now present, and that they had one member of the Government.

The Honourable Dr. Wilkie, M.L.C., said that Dr. Mueller, himself, and Dr. Wills, father of Mr. Wills, a member of the expedition, waited on the Chief Secretary and communicated to him the resolution passed by the Exploration Committee, strongly recommending the Government to give the Victoria steamer for the purpose of proceeding to the Gulf of Carpentaria in aid of Mr. Burke’s party.  He might state that the deputation entered fully into the whole question, and that the Chief Secretary very cordially promised that the Victoria should be given, and that at the same time he (the Chief Secretary) said it was the desire of the Government to promote the wishes of the Exploration Committee, as far as possible, in rendering assistance to Mr. Burke.  Further discussion took place with reference to other matters, which would immediately come under the consideration of the committee;—­as to the sending a land party from Rockhampton; and the Government had promised every possible assistance that they could render.

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Mr. Howitt, who returned the next day, was soon despatched again with increased means, to follow up his work in aid.  A communication was immediately opened with the Queensland Government on the north-east to get up an expedition under some competent person, but at the charge of Victoria; and Mr. Walker, who had already acquired note as a leader of a party of native police, was proposed for the command.  Captain Norman with the Victoria steamer was to start as soon as possible, coasting round to the Gulf, taking with him a small tender; whilst Walker, or whoever might be appointed in Queensland, should proceed north, overland.  Nothing further could be done in Melbourne by the committee or Government; but I have now to narrate a noble act on the part of a private individual.

Project Gutenberg
Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.