Following the Equator, Part 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about Following the Equator, Part 2.

Following the Equator, Part 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about Following the Equator, Part 2.
street in a large American city.  I was told that the most of the fine residences were the city residences of squatters.  The name seemed out of focus somehow.  When the explanation came, it offered a new instance of the curious changes which words, as well as animals, undergo through change of habitat and climate.  With us, when you speak of a squatter you are always supposed to be speaking of a poor man, but in Australia when you speak of a squatter you are supposed to be speaking of a millionaire; in America the word indicates the possessor of a few acres and a doubtful title, in Australia it indicates a man whose landfront is as long as a railroad, and whose title has been perfected in one way or another; in America the word indicates a man who owns a dozen head of live stock, in Australia a man who owns anywhere from fifty thousand up to half a million head; in America the word indicates a man who is obscure and not important, in Australia a man who is prominent and of the first importance; in America you take off your hat to no squatter, in Australia you do; in America if your uncle is a squatter you keep it dark, in Australia you advertise it; in America if your friend is a squatter nothing comes of it, but with a squatter for your friend in Australia you may sup with kings if there are any around.

In Australia it takes about two acres and a half of pastureland (some people say twice as many), to support a sheep; and when the squatter has half a million sheep his private domain is about as large as Rhode Island, to speak in general terms.  His annual wool crop may be worth a quarter or a half million dollars.

He will live in a palace in Melbourne or Sydney or some other of the large cities, and make occasional trips to his sheep-kingdom several hundred miles away in the great plains to look after his battalions of riders and shepherds and other hands.  He has a commodious dwelling out there, and if he approve of you he will invite you to spend a week in it, and will make you at home and comfortable, and let you see the great industry in all its details, and feed you and slake you and smoke you with the best that money can buy.

On at least one of these vast estates there is a considerable town, with all the various businesses and occupations that go to make an important town; and the town and the land it stands upon are the property of the squatters.  I have seen that town, and it is not unlikely that there are other squatter-owned towns in Australia.

Australia supplies the world not only with fine wool, but with mutton also.  The modern invention of cold storage and its application in ships has created this great trade.  In Sydney I visited a huge establishment where they kill and clean and solidly freeze a thousand sheep a day, for shipment to England.

The Australians did not seem to me to differ noticeably from Americans, either in dress, carriage, ways, pronunciation, inflections, or general appearance.  There were fleeting and subtle suggestions of their English origin, but these were not pronounced enough, as a rule, to catch one’s attention.  The people have easy and cordial manners from the beginning —­from the moment that the introduction is completed.  This is American.  To put it in another way, it is English friendliness with the English shyness and self-consciousness left out.

Project Gutenberg
Following the Equator, Part 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.