Belle. Of course!
Jack. Have you no friends—no people?
Belle (hesitates). I’m not supposed to talk to customers.
Jack. But I’m asking you questions.
Belle (gazing nervously Left). Yes, but I mustn’t talk. (She clutches chair.)
Jack (springs up). My God, you’re done up. Sit down.
Belle (in terror). No, no, no! He’ll hear you! He’d not keep me if he thought I was sick.
Jack. Damn his soul! Have you no one to take care of you?
Belle. I have a sister, sir. But she can’t earn enough for two. Please let me be.
Jack. Poor little girl!
Belle. I’ll be all right. It’s near closing time. I’m tired—that’s all.
Jack. What time do you come on?
Belle. At ten o’clock, sir.
Jack. What, in the morning?
Belle. Yes.
Jack. Fourteen hours! And you have to stand up?
Belle. Of course.
Jack. The whole time?
Belle. Oh, no! I have time for two meals.
Jack. And that’s all?
Belle. It’s the same everywhere, sir. They don’t like you to sit down. It wouldn’t look right. (Seeing Schmidt entering Left). Will you have some dessert, sir?
Jack. No, not yet. (He finishes food, then turns to Schmidt, hesitatingly.) See here, my friend.
Belle (in terror). No, no!
Jack (waving her aside). I’m sorry, my friend, but I’m afraid you’ll have to have me arrested.
Schmidt. Hey? Vot?
Jack. You’ll have to have me arrested.
Schmidt. Vot you mean?
Jack. I mean—I’ve eaten a meal and I haven’t any money to pay for it.
Schmidt. No money!
Jack. Not a cent.
Schmidt. Aber—vy—how you dare?
Jack. I was starving. I have walked the streets for two days begging for work, and I can’t find any. I am wet, chilled to the bone, exhausted. Look at me——
Schmidt (in excitement). Vot I got to do mit your looks?
Jack. I had to have something to eat.
Schmidt. But vy should I feed you? Vy you come by me?
Jack. I’ll work for you, if I may.
Schmidt. Vork? I don’t vant no vork! I got all the vork as I need. I vant customers!
Jack. You’ll have to have me arrested, then.
Schmidt. Arrested? Vot good will it do me if I have you arrested? You tink I earn my living by having you arrested? Mein Gott in Himmel, vot——
Jack. There’s no use in getting excited, my friend.