Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.
—­reads proofs of his Autobiography. —­use-inheritance. —­disinclined to reply to Mr. Lilly. —­the plot succeeds. —­his own boyhood. —­reply to Mr. Lilly:  abuse of the word “Law”:  Victorian science.  —­Imperial Institute. —­death of his daughter. —­retrospect of their first meeting:  clears up possible misunderstanding about London Liberty League. —­a visit to, postponed:  defensive position in controversy. —­forgetfulness of past events:  a sweeping criticism. —­jests on his recent activity:  himself unlike Samson. —­some consolation for old age. —­return from Maloja.

Sphinx Club, Liverpool, dinner to Huxley.

Spinoza. —­memorial to. —­debt to.

Spiritualism. —­experiments in. —­if true, an additional argument against suicide. —­report on seance.

Spirula, work on.

Spitzbergen, fossils from.

Spontaneous generation. —­and Darwinism. —­recipe for.

Spottiswoode, William. —­and x Club. —­visit to. —­character of. —­death.

Stanley, Dean. —­handwriting. —­death of. —­on George Eliot’s funeral. —­men of science. —­on being made a bishop. —­historical impressionability. —­repartee, the priests and the prophets.

Stanley, Lord.

Stanley, Lord, of Alderley, memorial to Carlyle.

Stanley, Owen, captain of “Rattlesnake”.

Stanley, Mrs. Owen.

State, comparison with the body.

State, the, and the medical profession.

Steffens, Father, friendship with.

Stephen, Sir Leslie. —­in Metaphysical Society. —­on Huxley and his home life.  —­Letter to:  —­separation from friends:  —­deafness:  morality in the cosmos.

Stephenson, G.

Stewart, Professor Balfour, editor of Science Primers.

Stocks, John Ellerton.

Stokes, Sir G.G.
—­presentation to, at Liverpool. 
—­Letter from: 
—­Parliament and the Presidency of the Royal Society. 
—­Letters to.

Strachey, E.

Strachey, Sir R., appreciation of.

Strauss, on the Resurrection.

Struthers, Professor, visits.

Style. —­influence of his. —­cannot judge of his own compositions in manuscript. —­the first pages of an essay the chief trouble.

Suarez, his teaching examined.

Suicide, moral.

Sulivan, Captain, at Falkland Islands.

Sunday evening gatherings.
—­impression on friends.

Sunday Society, unable to support prominently while P.R.S.


Sydenham College.

Sydney, projected chair of Natural History at.

Sylvester, Professor.

Tait, Professor. —­reconciliation with Tyndall. —­makes Huxley play golf.

Taylor, Miss H., criticism of “Administrative Nihilism”.

Taylor, Canon Isaac, language and race.

Taylor, Robert. 
—­Christianity compared to Babism. 
—­Letter to: 
—­success of Christianity and the story of Christ.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.