Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.


Sidgwick, Wm. C., rebuke to the “Speaker”.

Sin, origin of.

Sinclair, Sir J.G.T., letter to:  on Babbage’s calculating machine.

Sion College. —­meeting. —­declines to attend opening of new buildings at.

Skelton, Sir John. —­visits.  —­Letters to:  —­“Noctes Ambrosianae”. —­advantage of quasi-Scotch nationality:  the Hermitage too pleasant for work. —­biography and fiction:  conscience and letter writing. —­dinner and discussion.  —­“The Crookit Meg”, a reference to Huxley. —­introduction to Tyndall.  —­Mary Stuart and the Casket Letters.  —­Gladstone as controversialist. —­nature and suffering. —­historians and practical discipline:  an antagonist “rouses his corruption”. —­the Casket Letters. —­retirement from London. —­limitations of the Romanes Lecture, mending the irremediable.

Skull. —­theory of the Vertebrate. —­further investigations.


Smalley, G.W. 
—­Huxley in New York harbour.
—­description of him as a lecturer.
—­his friends and talk.

Smith, Robertson, at x Club.

Smith, Sir William. —­and International College. —­effect of the name “vivisection”.

Smith, Right Hon. W.H., Bible-reading in Schools.

Smyth, W. Warington, death of.

Snakes, lecture on.

Socialism, State, and natural selection.

Societies and ladies.

Society and societies.

Society for the propagation of common honesty.

Society of Arts, speech at.

“Speaker”, the insinuations of, rebuked.

Species and sterility.

“Spectator”, on “Pope Huxley”.

Spedding, James.
—­influence of Huxley’s accuracy in style. 
—­Letter from: 
—­on Bacon.

Bacon’s influence compared with Huxley’s.

Spencer, Herbert. —­and evolution. —­joins x Club. —­fondness for music. —­philosophy. —­on Comte. —­“devil’s advocate”. —­his comparison of the body politic to the body physical criticised. —­criticises “Administrative Nihilism”. —­controversy not inconsistent with friendship. —­a regular New Year’s guest. —­his philosophy found wanting by a youthful Punjaubee. —­vigour of. —­philosophical opposition to. —­correspondence on absolute ethics. —­psychology based on use-inheritance. —­frankness to. —­plays racquets with. —­authority on music.  —­Letters from:  —­will not break through custom of sending him proofs. —­urges him to answer Lilly. —­sends proofs to him as an “omnivorous reader”.  —­Letters to:  —­his review of the “Archetype”.  —­“First Principles”. —­distention of birds’ air-cells during flight. —­animals and plants:  Tyndall’s favourite problem:  “gynopathy”. —­patience in discussions. —­dry facts only at Edinburgh lectures:  Moses and a visit to town. —­on George Eliot and Westminster Abbey. —­thanks for his photograph. —­acceptance of P.R.S. —­on Creation controversy. —­influence of conditions.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.