Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.
—­by Sir W. Besant. —­his lectures described. —­preparation for his lectures. —­ordinary day’s work. —­method. —­reading. —­memory for facts, not words. —­delight in literature and art. —­foreign languages. —­recreations. —­table talk of. —­the happiness of others. —­simian characteristics of infants. —­difficulties of disproof and direct evidence.  —­“Cock Lane and Common Sense”. —­transient influence of false assertions. —­movement of modern philosophy.  —­Plato. —­geographical teaching.  —­Greeks and Jews. —­his part in controversy. —­responsibility. —­dramatic and literary faculties.  —­French and English artists. —­human nature described. —­his manner of conversation. —­anecdotes from. —­home life:  relations with his children. —­and grandchildren. —­nonsense letters. —­a day’s work in later life. —­love of his garden. —­the “lodger”. —­sustaining power of a wife’s comradeship. —­field botany.

Huxley Hall.
—­visit to.

Huxley Island.

Huxley laboratory.

Huxley’s layer.

Iddesleigh, Lord, letter to:  Civil List pension.

Idols, tendency to make.

Ilkley, at.

“Illustrious”, H.M.S., ordered to join.


Immortality and the conservation of energy.

Imperial Institute.

Impromptu speaking.

Incapacity, machinery needed to facilitate its descent.

India. —­proposed visit to. —­the shortest way home from.

Indian Empire.

Individuality, animal.
—­lecture on.

Induction, and Babbage’s calculating machine.

Intellects, English and Italian the finest.

International College.
—­science at.

International Medical Congress.

Invertebrata, lectures on.

Ireland, interest in.

Irish affairs. 
—­Parnell’s retirement.
—­the cause of all Irish trouble.
—­reason for being a Unionist.

Irving, Sir Henry, visit from.


Italy, visit to.
—­moral of.

Jamaica Committee.

James, Margaret, grandmother of T.H.  Huxley.

Jamieson, Professor E.

Jean Paul, “Biography of the Twins”.

Jebb, Professor, on Erasmus.

Jenner, and F.R.S.

Jewsbury, Miss, friendship with.

Jex Blake, Miss. —­letters to:  —­on medical education for women. —­about her examination.

Jodrell, T.J.P. —­good advice. —­at x Club. —­wishes Huxley to visit India.

“John Inglesant” suggests a scientific novel.

Johns Hopkins University, inaugural address at.

Jones, Rymer.

Jones, Wharton. —­influence of his teaching. —­comes to his first lecture.

Joule, Dr., his work for science.

Jowett, B. —­silence during opposition to D.C.L. for Huxley. —­visit from. —­power of the priesthood. —­last illness of.  —­Letter to:  science at Oxford.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.