Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Galileo and the Pope.

Gallegos river, fossils at.

Galton, Sir D., at x Club.

Galton, F., on Committee of the “Reader”.


Gegenbaur, Professor.

Geikie, Sir A., sends proofs of the Primer to.

Gemmation, lecture on.

Genesis. —­controversy over. —­renewed in “Times”.

Genius. —­men of, a “sport”. —­as an explosive power.

Gentians. —­study of, begun. —­continued.

“Geological Contemporaneity”.

“Geological Reform”.

Geological Society. 
—­Fellow of.
—­elected Secretary.

Geological Survey, work on.

George, H., “Progress and Poverty”.

German, knowledge of.

German speculation, research and style.


Gilman, Professor D.C.

Glacier ice, paper on.

Gladstone, Professor J.H., account of Huxley’s work on the School Board.

Gladstone, Right Hon. W.E. —­and Metaphysical Society. —­not an expert in metaphysics. —­the greatest intellect in Europe. —­reaction from. —­a graceful action. —­function of. —­attacks Huxley in the “Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture”. —­swine miracle. —­and Parnell. —­typical of the century? —­controversy with, on Genesis. —­estimate of. —­letter on—­the ordeal of public criticism. —­revived by others. —­second controversy with.

Goethe. —­quoted. —­on “thatige Skepsis”. —­his Aphorisms translated for the first number of “Nature”. —­scientific insight of.

Golf, Huxley plays.

Goodsir, Dr. John, as man of science.

Gordon, C.G. —­ideas and character. —­why he did not have the African fever.

Gordon, G.W., executed by Eyre.

Gore, Canon.

Gosse, Edmund, anonymous reviewers.

Gould, F.J., letters to.

Grant, Dr. —­introduction to. —­as man of science. —­an early evolutionist.

Grant (friend of Dr. Dohrn).

Grant Duff, Sir M. —­letter from:  —­possibilities of a political career for Huxley.  —­Lord Rector of Aberdeen.

Granville, Lord. —­letter from:  —­appoints Huxley on London University Senate:  anecdote of Clay, the whist player. —­a master of polished putting down.

Gray, Asa, misunderstanding of Darwin.
—­appreciation of.

Gray, J.E. —­introduction to. —­support from. —­a zoological whirlwind.

Green, J.R., account of Huxley’s speech at Oxford.

Green, T.H.

Green, of Leeds, to help in Men of Science Series.

Greene, Professor R.

Gregory, Sir W.H.
—­with, in Egypt. 
—­Governor of Ceylon.

Greswell, Rev. Richard.

Grey, Albert, M.P., letter to, on Home Rule.

Griffith, Mr., Secretary British Association.

Grote, George, and titles.

Grove, Sir G., a criticism.

Gull, Sir W., and F.R.S.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.