Foote case.
Forbes, Professor Edward. —introduction to. —seemingly forgotten by. —visits: support from. —helps to F.R.S. —his pay. —goes to Edinburgh. —life of the Red Lion Club. —writes notice of Huxley. —on Huxley’s views. —character of. —is succeeded by Huxley. —death of. —Letters from: —Huxley’s “Rattlesnake” work. —on Royal Medal. —Letters to: —Royal Medal.
Forbes, Principal James. —structure of glaciers. —and Tyndall.
Forel, Professor, at Arolla.
Forster, Right Hon. W.E. —on Bible teaching. —vivisection at South Kensington. —letter to.
Foster, Sir M. —on the spirit of Huxley’s early inquiries. —on his “Review of the Cell Theory”. —and “Theory of the Vertebrate Skull”. —on the Oxford meeting of the British Association. —on Huxley as examiner. —on his ethnological work. —takes over Fullerian Lectures. —on Huxley’s work on birds and reptiles. —on Huxley as Secretary of the Royal Society. —takes over his lectures. —helps in the new science teaching. —a New Year’s guest. —on Huxley’s work after 1870. —with him at Belfast. —to help in Men of Science Series. —assists in preparing new edition of “Elementary Physiology”. —and London University Commission. —“discovery” of. —Letters from: —retirement at sixty. —society at Maloja. —Letters to: —Edinburgh lectures: vivisection: Bathybius suspected. —official functions not his business in life. —successor to Spottiswoode. —reluctance to divide the Royal Society over his election as President. —elected. —support of debateable opinions while P.R.S. —handwriting and anxiety. —holiday defined. —Science and Art examinations. —on Senate of London University. —obituaries of F. Balfour and Darwin. —Royal Society anniversary. —Egyptian exploration society. —new edition of “Elementary Physiology”. —sensation. —resignation of P.R.S. —swine miracle. —health. —proofs: resignation: Jeremiah and dyspepsia. —“vis inertiae”. —ordered abroad. —Venice. —November in Italy. —papal Rome: health. —depression: will turn antiquary: Royal Society Secretary. —“Elementary Physiology”, new edition: Italian archaeology: visits the Lincei. —preface to “Elementary Physiology”: Gordon’s idea of future life: carnival. —birthday wishes: upshot of Italian trip: looks forward to becoming a lodge-keeper: “Elementary Physiology” published. —returns home: continued ill-health. —impending retirement. —medical men and F.R.S. —social meetings of Royal Society. —science at Oxford. —a scientific Frankenstein. —visit to Ilkley. —paleontological museum. —renewed ill-health: scientific federation: reorganisation of Fisheries Department. —rejection of Home Rule Bill. —“Huxley sulphide” at Harrogate. —visit to Arolla: death of a visitor: British Association and Australia: renewed desire for work. —transference of sensation: obstinate fictions of examinees. —Delta borings: gentians, begs specimen: