Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Eastbourne, house at:  law of nature about:  origin of name.

Echinoderms. —­on the development of. —­aim of paper.

“Echo”, article in.

Ecker, Dr. A., on his ethnological work.

Eckersley, W., letter to:  Civil List pension.

Eckersley, W.A., death of.

Eckhard, Dr.

Ectoderm and Endoderm, discovery of.

Edinburgh, lectures at:  —­on the Ape question. —­on the Physical Basis of Life.  —­Fishery Exhibition. —­refuses an uncertain post at. —­refuses to succeed Forbes there.  —­Natural History courses at.

Edinburgh University, hon. degree.

Edison, typical of the century?

Education. —­the true end of. —­secular. —­intermediate, and the State. —­scientific, for a boy.

Egerton, Sir Philip. —­his museum. —­visit to. —­squib on the Ape question.

Egyptian exploration.

Ehrenberg, suspects Bathybius.

Eisig, assistant to Dr. Dohrn.

“Elementary Physiology”.
—­new edition.

Eliot, George.
—­proposed burial in Westminster Abbey. 
—­Stanley on.

Ellicott, Bishop of Gloucester, in Metaphysical Society.

Ellis, Charles, with Huxley in Egypt.

“Emancipation, Black and White.”

English literature, teaching of, letter on.

English Men of Science Series projected.

Enniskillen, Lord.

Erasmus, opinion of.

“Erebus” and “Terror”, Hooker on.

Erichssen, Professor, on Vivisection Commission.

Ethnological Society. 
—­President of.
—­presidential address.
—­amalgamation of two societies.

Ethnology. —­work on.  —­Sir M. Foster on. —­systematic series of photographs. —­definition of. —­attention turned away from, in 1873.

—­new Headmaster, and future of. 
—­Huxley a Governor of.

Europeans, alleged inferiority of senses in.

Evans, Sir J. —­on Marine Biological Association.  —­Letters to:  —­getting in harness a tonic:  need of rest.  —­Ravenna:  takes up Italian again. —­work of Royal Society Secretary. —­a growl from Italy. —­description of pleurisy. —­delay over “Spirula” and Darwin obituary.  —­Copley Medal:  —­Geological Congress:  punnigrams. —­pliocene and miocene man:  language no test of race. —­a forgotten subscription.

Evolution, article for “Encyclopaedia”. —­lectures on, at New York. —­demonstrative evidence of. —­accumulation of evidence for. —­laws of, applied to the arrangement of the Vertebrata. —­theory must have been invented by latter paleontologists. —­illustrated by the Pearly Nautilus. —­experimental.

Evolution and morality.

“Evolution of Theology”.

Evolutionary thought builds up as well as pulls down.

Examinership under Science and Art Department.

Exodus, the real story of.

Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.