Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 eBook

Leonard Huxley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 521 pages of information about Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3.
—­marine stations at Naples and Brighton:  spontaneous generation: 
Huxley, devil’s advocate to speculators:  a “Tochtervolles Haus.” 
—­British Association at Liverpool:  Franco-Prussian War.
—­microscopes:  Franco-Prussian War. 
—­School Board:  “an optical Sadowa.”
—­illness of 1871.
—­the visit to Naples:  Ceylon Museum.
—­beefsteaks and wives not to be despised. 
—­Ceylon Museum:  his father’s illness:  his capacity.
—­invitation to Morthoe.
—­books for the Aquarium.
—­the new laboratory. 
—­England not represented at his station:  visit from von Baer:  lawsuit: 
Kleinenberg on Hydra.
—­subscriptions for station:  prefers his German to his English: 
—­his marriage:  the station:  Darwin’s generosity.
—­death of Darwin and Balfour.
—­naval officers and scientific research.
—­health:  age:  earning an honest sixpence.

Dohrn, Dr., sen. —­visit to, at Naples. —­vigour of.

Donnelly, Sir John, K.C.B., visit to.  —­Letters to:  —­vivisection.  —­Fishery appointment. —­title of Dean:  a wet holiday. —­retired officers in administrative posts. —­unofficial answer to official inquiries. —­proposed resignation. —­industry and age. —­health:  Gordon. —­reply to arguments against resignation. —­extension of leave:  festa of St. Peter’s chair. —­coldness of Rome:  repression of dynamiters:  Roman noses.  —­Gordon:  public affairs:  technical education:  depression:  carnival. —­health. —­return from Italy.  —­Civil List pension. —­return in good health from Arolla:  renews work at science instead of theology.  —­Science and Art examinations. —­age moderates hopes.  —­Imperial Institute. —­the Irish question.  —­Glion:  “javelins”. —­sends proof of Struggle for Existence.  —­Deceased Wife’s Sister Bill:  hatred of anonymity.  —­Stonehenge:  use of Radicals:  death of Smyth. —­move to Eastbourne.  —­London University Commission and reform. —­the State and intermediate education. —­responsible for the Privy Councillorship. —­humour of public affairs. —­the modern martyrdom. —­faculty of forgetting. —­the scientific docker. —­death of Tyndall. —­letter from a lunatic. —­a State evening party. —­procrastination:  the scientific docker:  Darwin medal. —­women in public life.

Draper, Dr.

Drawing, Huxley’s faculty for.

Dublin, LL.D., at.

Duncan, Dr. Matthews, visit to.

Du Thiers, or Duthiers (both forms of the signature occur in his letters), see Lacaze.

Dyer, Sir W. Thiselton. —­helps in the new science teaching. —­lectures fur Huxley. —­to help in Men of Science Series.  —­Marine Biological Association. —­letter from—­Gentian paper.

Dyster, Dr. —­letters to:  —­scientific Calvinism. —­introduction to Kingsley and Maurice. —­refuses Edinburgh chair:  coast survey. —­approaching marriage. —­popular lectures. —­man not a rational animal in his parental capacity.


Project Gutenberg
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.